Monday, August 18, 2008

Woman Feritle? when?

To have a safer sex, by checking out if your woman is fertile, instead of using condoms,withdrawal methods and etc(also effective), knowing your woman's fertile calendar is really a good thing to keep in mind. Some say that when women are much aggressive to sex than before, that means she is fertile... Now lets go Medical!! to determine when a woman is fertile or not, you have to have information about her mentsrual cycle.. regular being 26-32 days.. she is not fertile on days 1-7 1 starts on the first day of menstration.. she is fertiile on days 8-19.. then she is again unlikely to get pregnant on days 20-32.. this is 95% effective according to studies...
sperm lives within 72 hours and you had sex a day or two after her period, but those sperms will be dead because of the acid in the vagina. about the mentsrual cycle don't rely much on the cycle cause there is still a chance that a female could still get pregnant on the "safe" days. And that won't do if the girl has an irregular cycle. Like, if the girl would have some expected or unexpected hormonal imbalance (due to genetics, undergoing medication, etc), and would sometimes experience some delay on her cycle or miss her period every other month or something like that.

knowing when your woman is fertile is to mathematical!! so if your not good in math, just use condoms. ( it is better to have sex when your married)

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