Dragon Ball Z " Coolers Revenge / Revenge of Cooler " is the fifth and sixth DBZ movie, originally released in Japan on July 20th 1991, between episodes 99 and 100. It was released in America by FUNimation, and Bridge Entertainment's title is Super Rivals.
In this movie, Frieza's brother Cooler is introduced. It begins with a flashback to when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, and Cooler's ship picks up Goku's space pod on the radar. Goku's ship is shown to be heading towards Earth, but Cooler's henchmen believe it is an escape. Cooler lets the ship go, believing it to be no threat. Twenty-five years later, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza on Planet Namek. Frieza and his father King Cold finally meet their demise a year later at the hands of the time traveling half Saiyan Future Trunks. By the time Goku gets back and resumes life, Cooler discovers that his brother Frieza has been killed by a surviving Saiyan. Showing no compassion towards his brother, Cooler takes his Armored Squadron - Dore, Naise, and Salza - to Earth. He plans to kill Goku in order to reclaim his family's honor. His forces ambush Goku and his friends on a camping trip, and Goku is wounded when he takes a blast from Cooler that was intended for Gohan.
After Krillin sets up camp with Goku, Gohan flies off to obtain Senzu beans from Korin. After obtaining the beans, he is ambushed by the Cooler's henchmen, but is saved by Piccolo. Piccolo defeats Dore and Naise, and takes on Thousa in an equal fight, but then Cooler catches Piccolo off-guard with a Death Beam, which impales him. Cooler then sends Salza after Gohan as he continues to blast Piccolo. Gohan gets to the cave with the Senzu beans, but they are destroyed by Salza. However, he heals Goku with a spare bean Yajirobe gave him earlier. After Krillin and Gohan are defeated by Thousa, Goku appears fully healed. Cooler shows up, holding onto an unconscious Piccolo. He then blasts his body with an unexpected attack as Goku watches in horror. Cooler then begins battle with an enraged Goku.
After Goku proves to be a worthy opponent, Cooler tells of his history with Frieza. He then reveals his final transformation, and pummels Goku around effortlessly, despite Goku using a Kamehameha powered with the Kaio-ken. Cooler then proceeds to destroy the landscape. However, after seeing a bird die from wounds inflicted by damage caused during the struggle, Goku thinks back on his friends and family, how they all would be killed if he let Cooler win. He then picks up the dead bird, letting out a yell so powerful it cracks solid stone. Goku then transforms into his Super Saiyan form, and gives enough of his energy to revive the bird. Cooler then finds himself, like Frieza was, grossly outclassed. After attempting to punch and blast the Super Saiyan with no effect, Cooler summons a trump card when he powers up an enormous ball of energy. Cooler launches the attack with hopes to destroy Goku and the Earth along with him. After a stint of struggling, Goku eventually manages to send it back with his Kamehameha, forcing Cooler backward into the sun. As Cooler curses Goku, he suddenly realizes that Goku is the Saiyan he let escape. His body is then seemingly disintegrated by the sun.
Goku, drained after his battle, is found by Krillin and Gohan. They are looking for Piccolo when Salza reappears, and is about to destroy them. However, before he can attack, he is run through and killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon from a distance. Gohan looks around for Piccolo, and the movie ends with Piccolo gazing skyward.
For three years planet Nemek Lives in peace until a a strange metal planet began to absorb New Namek within itself. It molds the liquid metal exterior of the star around New Planet Namek, absorbing its energy. Dende, who is now the Earth's guardian, senses the plight of his people and calls Goku to ask for help.
Goku, Gohan, Oolong, Krillin, Yajirobe, Master Roshi and Piccolo arrive and encounter an army of robots which Cooler deployed on the planet to enslave the Namekians, whom he plans to use as biological fuel for the Big Gete Star. Goku fights Cooler, while the other Z-Fighters battle Cooler's robots.
At first the Z Warriors have trouble penetrating the robots' armor, but Piccolo instructs them to concentrate their energy to one point, and doing so allows them to destroy a few of the robots. However, there are far to many to handle and all the warriors, except Piccolo, are captured along with a village of Namekians. Piccolo is left behind, and destroys all the robots. He then makes his way to rescue those who were captured. Throughout the battle, Goku is distracted by a familiar face - that of Cooler, who he was sure had perished years ago. Goku battles Cooler, but it is apparent that Goku is no match for Cooler's new metallic form which gives him the ability to regenerate himself. Cooler also reveals his ability to use the Instant Transmission technique, which Goku also uses. Goku continues to struggle even after becoming a Super Saiyan. Cooler reveals that the Big Gete Star constantly monitors his body, and fixes any flaws that may occur, in this case Cooler's arm being torn off.
Vegeta, shows up just in time to help Goku. The two Super Saiyans attack Cooler and they soon are able to kill him. However, the Big Gete Star once again corrects a flaw in Cooler's design. In this case the flaw was having only one body. So, the computer gave Cooler 1,000 bodies. Outnumbered and exhausted, Goku and Vegeta are captured and transported to the Big Gete Star's core to be used as energy. As Cooler is leeching their Saiyan strength via strange wires, Goku and Vegeta regain consciousness and release all their Super Saiyan energy to the wires, overloading the system. They then blast the true Cooler with the last of their energy, causing his ultimate demise as the Big Gete Star explodes in New Namek's orbit. Meanwhile, Piccolo arrives in Cooler's lab, and meets up with a clone of Cooler, which collapses.
Goku and Vegeta fall from the sky near the rest of the Z Fighters, and everyone rejoices. They then realize that Vegeta is nowhere to be found, and Goku looks up at the sky. Vegeta is shown flying in space in his Space Pod with the last remaining chip of the Big Gete Star in his hands. He then crushes it and heads back to Earth.
Goku, Gohan, Oolong, Krillin, Yajirobe, Master Roshi and Piccolo arrive and encounter an army of robots which Cooler deployed on the planet to enslave the Namekians, whom he plans to use as biological fuel for the Big Gete Star. Goku fights Cooler, while the other Z-Fighters battle Cooler's robots.
At first the Z Warriors have trouble penetrating the robots' armor, but Piccolo instructs them to concentrate their energy to one point, and doing so allows them to destroy a few of the robots. However, there are far to many to handle and all the warriors, except Piccolo, are captured along with a village of Namekians. Piccolo is left behind, and destroys all the robots. He then makes his way to rescue those who were captured. Throughout the battle, Goku is distracted by a familiar face - that of Cooler, who he was sure had perished years ago. Goku battles Cooler, but it is apparent that Goku is no match for Cooler's new metallic form which gives him the ability to regenerate himself. Cooler also reveals his ability to use the Instant Transmission technique, which Goku also uses. Goku continues to struggle even after becoming a Super Saiyan. Cooler reveals that the Big Gete Star constantly monitors his body, and fixes any flaws that may occur, in this case Cooler's arm being torn off.
Vegeta, shows up just in time to help Goku. The two Super Saiyans attack Cooler and they soon are able to kill him. However, the Big Gete Star once again corrects a flaw in Cooler's design. In this case the flaw was having only one body. So, the computer gave Cooler 1,000 bodies. Outnumbered and exhausted, Goku and Vegeta are captured and transported to the Big Gete Star's core to be used as energy. As Cooler is leeching their Saiyan strength via strange wires, Goku and Vegeta regain consciousness and release all their Super Saiyan energy to the wires, overloading the system. They then blast the true Cooler with the last of their energy, causing his ultimate demise as the Big Gete Star explodes in New Namek's orbit. Meanwhile, Piccolo arrives in Cooler's lab, and meets up with a clone of Cooler, which collapses.
Goku and Vegeta fall from the sky near the rest of the Z Fighters, and everyone rejoices. They then realize that Vegeta is nowhere to be found, and Goku looks up at the sky. Vegeta is shown flying in space in his Space Pod with the last remaining chip of the Big Gete Star in his hands. He then crushes it and heads back to Earth.
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