As the unemployment rates tend to rise this year. the right thing to do protect yourself by having enough money/savings etc. Try saving 10% of your money everyday. example is you have 100php this monday, save 10php dont spend it, (its very effective)
garage sale, sell items online. Sell things that are not usefull to you anymore, turn them into cash. sell them on ebay or log-in to any buy and selll forum. Or use the newspaper/classified adds to sell your stuff. have a yard sale.
Check your hobbies (important factor) Nasa hobbies mo nakadepende and magiging savings mo.
because hobbies often cost money like (pc,mall,bar,book,eat) etc. But theres also an alternative way to turn your hobbies into a source of income, and enjoy playing for profit.
example play basketball them makipagpustahan kayo, or in cock fights, horse racing! lolz!
joke lang guys! joke lang. And betting is to risky. Buti kung risk taker ka. lolz
Start a blog and advertise your stuff.
Happy Valentines Day to All. My Family, My Happy Leinathan ,my Friends, my group 20, and my dogs.
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