Thursday, January 15, 2009

HIV/ AIDS Viral Progression

(Finding People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus is impossible, only Superman can do it haha)

The Japanese TV-Drama "Precious Time" which aired here in the Philippines, it gave me the motivation na gawin tong topic, nakakainspire kasi..

About the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infects cells of the immune system in the human body by destroying CD4 (T-Cell) , Lymphocytes. CD4 cells defend the body against attacks by bacteria, viruses and other harmful germs. A person with HIV will have a continuously decreasing number of CD4 cells.

the body becomes more vulnerable to many different types of infections- leading to certain cancers,lung,brain and nerve illnesses, and mortality

HIV virus is found in body fluids such as semen,blood,vaginal fluid, and breast milk.

Most People who get the disease dont know that they've been infected because its a chornic process, meaning late na lalabas ang symptoms.

The Term Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) meaning its the later part or most advanced part of HIV infection, CD4 cells are going less than 200cells per cubic millilitre of blood

You can develope Pneumonia,diarrhea,eye infections, and meningitis,fever and also cancer cells can also develop.

People who have HIV and not treated will have a HIV-related illness in 5-10years
time between infection with HIV . and being diagnosed with AIDS can be 10-15yrs sometimes even longer, it depends!

Mode Of Transmission
:Unprotected Sex (Oral SEX)
:Contaminated Blood transfussion
:Contaminated syringes
:child breast feeding ( mother with HIV)

Disease Cannot be Transmited by
:Being near a person with Aids
:Physical Contact with Aids (shaking hands,huging) w/o exchange of body fluids
:Contact with body fluids like sa simple kiss,smack kiss,sharing toilet,sneezed,drinkig from the same glass,using same spoon and fork.. ( kaya nga STD! sexual transmitted Disease diba)

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